Friday, February 29, 2008


i upset S. today.....not purposely, but i only responded to one of his two emails from yesterday and i didnt open up enough for him...

i talk, i just let it all come out when i talk, i didnt know what to say to his first email because i focused on the second, and my lack of experience and my unnerving ability to not know exactly how to describe what i want or to know how i am.....lack of experience brings a lack of self understanding about part of myself, im still learning and growing on this path and im not sure entirely who i am fully....i am going to write a response to his other email once i am done here, and i will probably write a few more times here tonight.

i doubt i will talk to him tonight, it is friday and i am sure he is spending time with his other half....working tomorrow stops many plans for friday nights, but we do have plans for sunday and monday.....

ahhh music, it is such a way to calm the mind and soul......*looks through her playlist for something to sing to...settles with an old No Doubt Song*

well, with my loud singing girl music, and my head a bit more clear, i am going to go reply to his email.....

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